What is an anagram?
An anagram is a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters:
For example, "Angel" is an anagram of "glean."
— from Dictionary.com
Is the name, Sternest Meanings, an anagram of something?
Yes, "Sternest Meanings" is an anagram of "instant messenger".
Can I talk to Sternest using an IM client?
Currently, you can only use AOL IM to talk to him. His AOL IM username is
sternestmeanings . Sternest
Meanings is a bit moody, so he might not always be on IM.
How does Sternest Meanings work?
Currently, Sternest Meanings is just a chat interface that I built on top of
Anagram Genius, which
is created by William Tunstall-Pedoe.
Can Sternest speak using other wordplays?
Right now, he can only anagram, but I think he is open to using others.
Email him if you have ideas.
I want to code my own bot, where do I start?
To make other bots, download the
JavaAIMBot library.
If you want to see Sternest's code, here it is (sternestmeanings-alpha.zip).
Have fun!
I have more questions.
If you have more questions, email him.